Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last Minute PB's

Five Days! All our WOD's have now been released and we are beyond excited to say that there are no pull ups and no toes to bar. Hands and shoulders are saved!!

And with the revealing of what we are up against, comes the last minute team training sessions, working on our weaknesses. As I said a couple of posts ago, we are smashing out the double unders, some days performing better then others and the calves are definitely paying for it now.

For me, it was obvious that all the Olympic Lifting was going to be my downfall, partly because I was only really introduced to it four weeks ago and partly because muscle strength is not my best asset. So when I found out that I had to get 35kg overhead fifteen times, snatch 30kg and clean 40kg, I'm not going to lie...I was nervous. So this week has seen a lot of technique practice just trying to get out a couple of reps with the weight I need.

35kg Shoulder to Overhead
Before this week the most I have gotten overhead has been 30kg. So Monday night I had my first attempt at 35kg and got out three. Happy with that and dint want to push my body which is kind of holding on by a thread. At Crossfit training Tuesday morning, I had two minutes to get out as many clean and press as possible with the same weight and managed ten...getting better. Finally last night, at the end out our session, with a cardio element thrown in first, I got out another ten reps. Shoulder to over head will be done!

30kg Snatch
With snatching, my lack of experience is probably going to be my problem - more often then not my technique changes each rep only because I am still learning. I have gotten out a few 30kg snatches last week and am lucky I have two little power houses on my team with good strength

40kg Clean
This was our last WOD to be released. AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 40kg Power Cleans in 8 minutes. So pretty much for eight minutes we will be tag teaming and just getting them out. Minor heart attack when I saw this one. Just last weekend we had tried 40kg cleans during our private session and I couldn't get one. For the sake of the workout I went down and did them on 30kg. So when I got to the gym last night, this was what I needed to work on. Unsure what has clicked in the past four days but I got out four. Very happy!

So over the course of the week we have gone from cleaning 30 to 40kgs, 2 to 20 double unders, 3 to 10 35kg presses plus the added bear crawling, broad jumping, running, snatching, rolling and squatting. Things seem to be falling into place just in time and again I am unbelievable thankful to be in a team with such hard working and committed strong chicks. Love them to pieces.

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