Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back To Cardio

In preparation for the Three Vs Three Showdown, my usual high quantities of cardio and interval training were put on the back burner while I was very quickly trying to turn myself into a somewhat strong crossfitter, concentrating solely on strength and technique...not something my body was use to.

But with the time pressure now off my strength gains, I can get back to running and burpees which is just in time for the new Tough Mudder season.  The team I go through this 20km obstacle course with take the race very seriously. There is month of preparation that goes into it, starting off with two high intensity interval sessions per week for around 4 months leading up to the day.

Week one of Tough Mudder training began the week before the showdown. So the three of us didn't train with the team that would ruin our gains as our Hulk would put it! But with the showdown now done and dusted, it's back to Tough Mudder for me. And honestly, this first week has been a bit of a shock to the system. It's not like I have done zero cardio in the past few months, but thinking about it, the 6 weeks before the 5 weeks prep for Crossfit I was pretending to be a half marathon runner - so everything was based around running long distances.

So I would say it has been a good 12 weeks since I did solid High Intensity Interval Training like this. It was tough! But awesome. I have definitely missed this kind of training and the associated feelings of your lungs being on fire and not sure whether your going to be able to get yourself up after another chest to ground burpee.

Yeah, it's good to be back!

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