Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Orange Sky

Tuesday morning is run morning for me. But the weather report coming out Monday night for the following day was a severe weather warning with thunderstorms and very strong winds. My Tuesday morning run was not looking to enjoyable at this point.

My alarm goes off and I listen for the rain. Nothing. I listen for the wind. Minimal. Calm before the storm... GO GO GO!!!! Get out and get it done before the storm sets in! And it did believe me, but not until I was warm and dry at work, where I would be kept indoors for a good 7 hours.

I was well over half way into my run and it was still dark. No sign of the sun. Until I came around the corner of a bridge and saw this which just reinforced why I love being up before the sun. You get to see amazing sky lines like this and know that you have a fresh new day ahead of you. It can be anything you want it to be, you can do anything you want to do and what you achieve is completely up to you and how your take on this day.

For me, it was a pretty big Tuesday. Some big steps were taken in terms of getting help with my wrist and how I am going to get through the potential surgery - physically and mentally, the latter being probably biggest hurdle I am going to face. I was contacted by my nutritionist checking in on me and deciding that some changes need to be made to help me get through the next few weeks. I sorted out some insurance things that I have been putting off for a long time, I worked, I mobilised and I payed some bills. It was a productive Tuesday with many things put in place which are scary but necessary.

And it all started with this calm orange sky.

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