Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Parallel Parking

It would be safe to say that I am a bit of an average parker. I'm very much a believer of the 'on the line is in' theory and if I'm a little bit crooked, so be it! Much to the disgust of a couple of friends who do not let me get out of the car until I have straightened up and am happily sitting in the middle of the bay.

I went to check on a friends place yesterday while she was away and the only available bay was a parallel park. You thinking I'm bad at parking when I only have to drive straight into the bay? Parallel parking is a whole different story! But I was on my way to work, so a fast game was a good game.

But I went in with confidence, pulled up to the car in front on a little bit of an angle and went straight into reverse. Backed my way in, forward and back once, and I was in. Wait what?!?! Most successful reverse parallel park in the history of me having my licence. Little fist pump moment to myself as I was walking up to my friends apartment.

Maybe I need to stop overthinking it, back myself and just give it a go (I think I could apply this to other aspects of my life also).

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