Monday, June 9, 2014

Second Opinions

Doesn't the inside of my wrist look nice? Well apparently not. MRI went ahead finally yesterday (being a Sunday) and I was nervously waiting by the fax machine at work this morning for the report to come through. At 9.46am it arrived. There was a lot to be reported on.

The good news - the tear in my cartilage has resolved and there is only swelling sounding the cartilage wedge telling us that there is still healing taking place but the tear is no longer there.

The bad news - there is a 2cm intratendinous tear in my Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (a wrist extender) along with bone marrow oedema (swelling inside the bone).The tear is located within the tendon sheath - so technically the tendon is still intact, just unstable and not working like it should be.

So what now? I asked my boss what he thinks. He is unsure how the tendon has been torn considering the incident which caused the initial injury. He was debating putting me back into the splint considering I have been immobilised for 6 weeks already, when really that should have helped. His advise...bombard with anti-inflammatory and acute management techniques such as ultrasound with NSAID gel, eccentric loading, splint when I am not working or training to give my wrist periods of unloading, avoid end range wrist extension for another two weeks and see what happens then.

So then I sent the results to my OT and she was in two minds. The whole 2cm part is the bit that is worrying her. She said this would be on the border of surgery/splint. So she is going to chat with the surgeon that works out of her practice to see what he thinks.

Long story short...I have a tear in the tendon and still don't really know what I'm doing for management. But I do have multiple opinions being thrown at me, which I am thankful for. For the many people getting involved and trying to get me the best possible outcome.

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