Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Seriously Amazing People

I have some truly incredible friends. And yesterday showed me just how amazing they are. It was a massive day of appointments, information being thrown at me, decisions that needed to be made and messages that needed to be sent. And they were with me every step of the way.

First - GP, to which I was escorted by Hulk himself. He helped me explain my situation (explaining is definitely my downfall) and get the help and advice I needed to put me on the right path to overcome the battles I am facing. Like I said, explaining myself is not a strength of mine, and had he not have been there, I probably would have coped out a little and not ended up with all the information that I needed. Incredibly thankful to Hulk for having my back, holding me together, and taking over when I needed it.

Next up, Orthopaedic Surgeon review. I was accompanied to this one by fellow 3v3'er Traps McCurry, as is her current nick name. I thought I was going in knowing the problem and what was going to need to be done to fix it. I was wrong. Turns out what came back on MRI was probably a false positive on assessment and the problem was back to what I thought it was initially, maybe. It could be a tear in my TFCC (cartilage wedge), it could be joint instability and displacement between two of my carpals (tiny wrist bones) it could be ligament damage between these joints, or it could be a combination of all the above.

On physical assessment, he was able to reproduce my pain and holy s^%t did it hurt.  I have now been scheduled for explorative surgery early next week to try and work out what is actually going on in there and develop an action plan from there. Again, I was a little overwhelmed by all the information being thrown at me and was so glad to have M-Mc there with me to ask the questions I forgot to ask and then make me laugh again on the walk home.

In the past I have tried to take on the world on my own, was never really one to ask for help. But that has never really gotten that far and I'm learning that I can't do it all on my own anymore. Having these two, along with a couple of others in my corner has pretty much kept my head above water over the past week or so and I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am to have them.

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