Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Becoming Foster Children

Well that massive weekend is well and truly over, and there are some sore bodies and battle wounds (I had ended up with some interesting bruises on my quads?!). But we are still buzzing. Pink wiggle up there posted our team photo with the coach on the facebook page of the box we have been training at Crossfit Frantic with a big thank you message to the coach and to the other team members of the box.

Despite us only really have been training there for 4 weeks, and most of the time as private sessions, we were adopted as the Frantic Foster Children on the day and we completely blown away by the support, coaching and cheering that was thrown at us throughout the day. 

There were a number of frantic teams competition in the same heat as us, but regardless, there was always someone from the team over at our lane shouting out words of encouragement and coaching to help us through each WOD. 

But what was even more amazing were the comments and feedback we got from these same people on the day while still at the event, posted to our walls, in private messages and on our team photos. The support received by the whole Frantic family was unbelievable and we are so thankful to them for adopting us throughout this expedition. 

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