Thursday, June 5, 2014


This is the lock screen on my phone at the moment. So I see it more times in a single day then I can count. Most of the time, it is exactly what I need to see, and can apply to any situation.

There is a lot of change going on in my life at the moment, and most of it is a change for good. I have been given a new career opportunity which can potentially bring my love of helping people and my passion of health and fitness together to be what I consider to be the ideal work environment for me. That could be legendary.

The Crossfit comp is done so its time for a training change up also. Time to work out what is next - what do I want to do, how and when do I want. One big set back wrist. If you've followed me in the past you would know that I was in a wrist splint for 6 weeks after a boxing injury. I came out of the splint 3 weeks before the comp and was expected the stiffness that comes with being immobilised for such a long period of time to last for around 2 weeks. Following that I would know where it was sitting. And it's not sitting pretty I'm said to say.

So at the moment, life is on pause. Until I get the results from my MRI on the weekend the career change is on standby, planning my next training goal is on standby. If my arms are out of action for a couple of months...Oxfam 100km walk it is, if not, back into the Crossfit world. Will I be starting the new job in 2 weeks or 2 months?

But then I see my reminder - Be Legendary. There are set backs and massive obstacles in my path at the moment, but I am on the path I want to be on. Combining what I love, there is no choice but to be legendary! How are you going to Be Legendary today?

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