Monday, June 23, 2014

Rope Climb

Well not just rope climbing, but rock climbing too. We are an active group of people and don't tend to do your lazy ours are action packed Sundays. And this week that involved rock climbing.

For me, I haven't been rock climbing since you use to scale those tiny walls are school camps. Prior to that we had been a few times as kids, when whoever was belaying me could pretty much pull me up the wall if I needed. So I wouldn't call myself half decent at rock climbing by any means.

But we like to try different things. So we trekked it out to City Summit in Malaga, where we had managed to score ourselves some discounted climbs. And we tried our hands, and legs at climbing the walls. MUCH harder then I remember it being when I was a kid!! Probably because there is much more of me to pull up the walls these days and I am probably not as nimble as I was when I was smaller.

However we rose to the challenge. Helping each other navigate up the far spread rocks as high up the walls as we were able to get. Sometimes not so successful as others, but we had a good laugh at ourselves and at each other which is how we love to spend our time.

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