Friday, June 20, 2014

Finding Another Way

Sometime you try something, and you fail. That might be because a mistake was made or you don't currently have the skill, knowledge or ability to achieve the task at this time. But there is ALWAYS another way.

What jumps straight to mind for me was when I finished high school, and I was set for getting into the university course that I wanted, but what was being shown to us left right and centre was all the alternative pathways to get you to where you want to be. For example - if I hadn't gotten straight into my Physiotherapy degree, the back up plan would have been to do a year in a general Health Science Degree, achieve a 75% grade average and then transfer over for the second year. But not only did Physio have a back up plan, these days you get into uni through portfolio entry, through bridging courses and many other mid way course changes. Whatever you want is possible, you just have know how.

Today another opportunity was presented to me. One that my body is not really capable of at the moment. It is a 31 Day Handstand Challenge with the idea of taking a photo a day in a handstand. being as creative as possible in location and position. Minor set back - my wrist. With my surgeons appointment this coming week, there is a chance it will be surgically repaired which means no handstands for me for a while. But where there's a will, there's a way.

I contacted the competition coordinators, explained my situation and asked if it would be acceptable for me to elbow or head stand until given the all clear. Impressed with my commitment to the cause, I was given a big thumbs up.

This challenge was something right up my alley and wanted to be a part of it. Although I have my set backs, there is always another way to be involved...elbow stands it is!

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