Friday, June 27, 2014


Just another element of social media that can provide so much entertainment. This morning I was waiting for my class to arrive and to fill the time, I scrolled throuh my instagram newsfeed. Up popped this gem. I laughed out loud, so hard.

Who in their right mind has ever thought to tie a sandal to a leash and call it a pet? It was just so ridiculously unexpected and random and is just not something I see everyday in my newsfeed.

Being the athletic exercise nut that I am, I suppose you could imagine what my newsfeed tends to look like. WOD's from different Crossfit boxes around the world, workout videos and pictures, exercise and training meme's, the occasional bit of scenery. I can't even remember who it was that put this one up, but I would have to of been some sort of exercise enthusiast that just had a moment of humour come across them.

But back to my point of today. Instagram is just another one of those apps we use to waste time and keep ourselves entertained. But as well as an amazing time waster, it is an amazing marketing tool. With contact to the whole of your target population only one hashtag away, people are using the app for business promotion, athlete recognition and even just to get their own name out there.

The world as we know it has changed for ever by simple social media apps such as this one. But for now, I'm just thankful that I came across this picture to start of my day on a good note. Happy Friday!!

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