Thursday, June 12, 2014

High Fives

I came back to this one because I was at Frantic the other day, the box where I do my crossfit training, and they have a bit of a ritual that everyone fits pumps each other at the end of a WOD. Kind of like a well done you survived kind of nice. I had a bit if a laugh because the girls I train with have a similar kind of ritual, but we high five. 

And when we high five, we high five! There is a build up to the high which some what resembles a tennis serve and you tend to worry whether you are going to be able to feel your hand and continue going about your tasks once it is over. Yep, that big. 

So when myself and another 3vs3'er finished our WOD at frantic the other day, after we were done fist pumping everyone else (couldn't break their ritual) we performed our typical smash of a high five true to form (can't break our own rituals either).

So I think along with the epic high fives that tend to come when the three of us train together, I am also thankful for those small little rituals you build with yours friends which remind you who you love to spend time with and why you do what you do, day in day out. Keep high fiving!

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