Friday, June 6, 2014


Probably the cutest, funniest and well know snowman around these days, yep I have totally jumped on the Frozen bandwagon. The best and most successful animated film to be released since The Little Mermaid, Frozen is an extremely well thought out, funny and highly entertaining children's movie, that adults world wide are loving.

Confession time. It's been a rough week. I sat down to write this post today and had nothing. I could not think of anything that I was thankful for, that was making me smile or making me feel good. And sitting there not being able to think of happy things was just making me worse. So I left it.

I went and had a shower, thought about my massive list of things to do and then thought, nah stuff that. So I put on the happiest thing I could think of at the time, which was this animated film. I had left it part way through whenever the last time was that I was watching it and it came back to where Anna meets Olaf.

And then Olaf sings, about a snowman laying out in the summer sun. It is ingeniously stupid and the writers did an amazing job with the clashing storyline of the song that you can't help but to smile and even laugh. This white blob of frozen water, completely fictional and probably more in your own imagination has the ability to change you emotional state, head space and managed to give me something to smile about today.

Also had to have another giggle because a while a go I was chatting with another girl about this little snowman, and she has a completely different view towards him. She finds him disturbing, creepy and just plain weird! So while I was watching and laughing a little, it was both due to the script content and remember this other girls complete disturbance by this white ball of snow.

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