Saturday, June 7, 2014

Psycho Fish

I was suppose to have my MRI this morning. With a appointment time of 10.30 am and my constant desire to be early not on time, I arrived at SKG at around 10.10am. Filled out all the necessary paper work and sat down in the waiting area. I always take something with me to do, but today I had a short list on my phone of people I needed to contact, emails I needed to respond to and things to check, so today I didn't bring anything with me. Big mistake.

Got through my list by about 10.25, easy, just 5 minutes to wait. At 10.32 my name was called and the lady came over to me and told me they were having problems with the MRI machine and would hopefully have it fixed soon. So I sat back down again...with nothing to do. Dammit, this is why I always come prepared!!

So sitting, twiddling my thumbs, I look over at the fish tank mounted on the wall. This fish was going absolutely mental! All the other fish, just slowly going about their business, swimming along calmly and in no rush what so ever. Not this crazy fishy! It was darting full speed from one end of the tank to the other like Kieren Perkins in his 1500m win at the '96 Olympics...killing it!!

Then he started on the intervals, darting back and forward over and over again, like he was going for full laps but kept forgetting what he was doing, so he turned around to go back again. I thought that a fish having a short term memory was a myth. Well this psycho was not helping his fellow fishies to prove that myth wrong. Kind of like a forgetful, bipolar type of personality.

So I sat watching this fish for a good hour before they came back over to me and said they weren't anywhere near having the MRI up and running again, could I come back tomorrow. Thank goodness for this fish! Otherwise I would have probably lost my marbles!

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