Sunday, June 8, 2014

Morning Off

This morning I had planned to go for a run. I had a busy day ahead of me and just wanted to get something in before the madness begun. Despite having gone out last night, I still expected my inbuilt alarm clock to wake me up at the usual 5.30 when I don't set an alarm. I decided not the set an alarm when I got into bed at 1am, in hope that my body would decide it needed more then four and a half hours of sleep...considering how tired I have been of late. 

I surprised myself and woke up at 6.30....AMAZING!!!!!!! The down side of sleeping through the body clock, I have a busy day and I wanted to get a run in. But while I was lying there, my legs were aching, I'm blaming the large volume of training I did yesterday. Even through I had slept later then I had in months, I was still really tired...still had really only had around five and a half hours of sleep.

So...while lying there...I decided not to run. WHAT?!?! I decided that I need to listen to the uncomfortable feeling in my body now, and that running this morning was going to be in no ways beneficial for me, so to instead just worry about the many many many things I had to get done today, and not let a 45 minute run set me back even more.

This is not like me at all. Normally I will not take into consideration how my body is feeling at all, and just go ahead with whatever I think I need to do. I was a little bit proud of myself for deciding to take the morning off to let myself recover a little more. Hopefully I will wake up tomorrow feeling better for looking after myself today.

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