Sunday, June 29, 2014


Had those day where you just need to get out? Nothing is going right, or everything is just adding you your frustration and stress levels? Like things are building up, your going to explode and are worried about who is going to be around for the bombshell? Yeah I know the feeling.

For me, when I'm nervous, frustrated, anxious or stressed, the same thing tends to happen. I get this nervous fidgeting. I can't sit still, I over think things and no matter how hard to try and push it aside, I just can't concentrate.  Easiest way to calm myself down? Run

Normally when I go for a run, I start off quite slow and get up to my usual pace within a km or two. Not on these days. These days I start off hard, and pretty much run until I drop. Some people are trying to tell me that I am running away from my problems and that I need to stop and think about whatever it is that has worked me to this point.

I understand their reasoning, but I need to get rid of the nervousness and restlessness before I even have a chance to process what is going on my head. So I am thankful that I can run.

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