Sunday, June 15, 2014

Being A Strong Swimmer

It has been a good couple of months since I have been back in the pool. Not that it is really worrying me at all but it's strange to think that only a year a go I could not go a day without going for a swim. Now I could think of nothing worse but getting in the pool. However if something like this was thrown at me, I would embrace it with open arms.

The Primal Throwdown is probably Perth's most well know Crossfit event and is underway this weekend. On Friday night, the RX category hit Challenge Stadium for their first night of competition, which involved swimming. I was at the box I have been training at Crossfit Frantic, earlier that morning and seen a few nervous faces around, ready for any last minute swimming tips that could be thrown their way. My best advice, was stay calm, breathe every three strokes and don't fight the water - go with it.

I went down to watch on Friday night and the WOD had been released just as I had arrived. 50cal row, 100m swim, 100 double unders, 50m swim. That was my kind of workout!! But not so much for many other people. Had I had to compete in something like that, being a strong swimmer would work in my favour 100%. But there were more then 70% of people for who swimming was not their strength. Most of them were able to make the 100m maybe only stopping to catch their breath at each end of the 25m pool, but there were the poor few who would struggle through 6-8 strokes at a time then grab hold of the lane rope to get some air in.

As I said before, I haven't swum in a couple of month, but if a workout like this one would be thrown at me, I don't think my lack of swimming over the past few months would really phase me at all. Lucky I am a strong swimmer.

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