Sunday, June 22, 2014


This is a meme that has been created by a social media gifted friend after our first gymnastics adventure. She went in with two goals...hands stands and kipping pull ups. Me, still very much limited by my wrist I took whatever was thrown at me that I could do without putting my hand flat on the ground, which was really not much. But I was there more for my own entertainment.

The idea behind our adult gymnastics adventures? To get use to being upside down, to develop upper body and core strength to help us with Crossfit, work on flexibility and plyometric strength...really just to be better at everything we try. But also, for fun and to laugh hard at ourselves when we fall on our faces.

Week one and as expected I was limited to forward rolls, elbow stands, head stands, trampoline and back saults. The other two I was with tried their hands at hand stands, forward rolls into hand stands, handstand walks and pull ups.

Needless to say we all have a very long way to go, but for a rainy Saturday afternoon we had a great laugh.

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