Monday, June 2, 2014

Strong Women

Well we did it. Yesterday was the Three Vs Three Crossfit Showdown. And it was an amazingly epic and long day. Strap yourselves in people because I've got a lot to say with this one!!

I picked up these girls at a very dark and rainy 6am with a ridiculous number of bags piled into my car. It honestly looked like we were going camping for a week. Me being my usual self, we were VERY early. So we sat in the warm and dry car for a good twenty minutes before loading up and trekking out onto the tennis courts where the event was going to be held for the day. The rain came and went for the first few hours of the morning and we were going from rain jackets and huddling under tents with giant garbage bags covering our bags to standing out in the sun with minimal clothes on.
75 double unders, 15 shoulder to overhead 35kg, 60m sprint
10 min time cap for 3 rounds
I was up first. Got out my double unders in two sets, faulting at around 55 and then into the shoulder to overhead. Prior to today the most I have gotten out was 10 reps. Planning to get through sets of 5, my first 8 were good. Number 9 was called a no rep because I didn't lock out at the top. so bar went down, I took a few seconds, got to 13, which was called no rep again. Took a breath and finally got through the last two...thank God! Ran, and tagged in Bec at 2 mins 56 seconds. The double under practice has done this chick well because 2 weeks ago she as getting no more then 5-8 out at a time, but today sets of 20! She got to the presses and was a little knackered from the cardio which she loves so much but still powered them out in around sets of five. Tagged Miranda in to finish us off. the DU's were Miranda's biggest concern coming into the whole day, but she soldiered on and got them out bit by bit, getting to 75 with about 45 seconds to spare. Luckily this girl is super strong and just absolutely powered out 9 of the 15 reps in that final 45 possible person to finish of the time!
1440m Run, 3x30m Bear Crawl, 3x30m Broad Jump 1440m Run
For Time
This was going to be our event. As described by our coach, we've got good engines. There was a little moment of panic when the teams around us took off like rockets, but the rockets ran out of fuel and it wasn't long until we caught ourselves back up. Until that is, our judged miscounted our laps and claimed that we broke order which is how we were out (which we are all 100% sure didn't happen but what can you do) so I had to run an extra run. This put us behind again going into the bear crawls. Though due to our bear crawl experience and again the reliance on our good engines we caught back up and took out the win for the WOD. Yeah first timers!! Fist pump moment and some massive high fives - if you have ever seen our high five build up.
12 Sled Pushes +30kg, 40x 30kg Snatches, 80x Hand Release Push Ups,
40x 30kg Snatches, 12x Sled Pushes +30kg
For Time
This one was done all as a tag team, whoever was feeling strong would do what they could. Sled pushes we all went one for one and despite being nervous about the quads and calves got through them well. Onto snatches. The plan was to get the two power houses to get out sets of 5 and me to get through 3's if my shoulder and wrist were holding up. All went to plan and I was surprised at how good my injuries were feeling...adrenaline? Push Ups. I was to get out more due to my good body weight endurance and to save the other two for the snatches on the way back, another thing we were nervous about. But again I don't know if it was adrenaline or we were feeling amazing...lets go with both, but we flew through them! I surprised myself with 4 reps to go I was up and having only done 2's and 3's, got out the final 4 before it was straight back onto the sled pushes....again easier then we thought! So after being worried about the second round of snatches and the sled pushes...super happy with our effort!
8min AMRAP of 40kg Squat Cleans
Final WOD of the day. Feeling tired and starting to tighten up we were rolling and stretching like you wouldn't believe before jumping into the warm up area to start warming up the shoulders and hips. After being able to get a clean up in the warm up I was nervous. Miranda's lack of flexibility in both her hips and thoracic meant that she was worried about clearing the squat depth...Bec had some super tight calves but otherwise was good to go. The plan was Bec first for 3-4 reps, Miranda next for 2-3, and then me to try for one. For me though if my shoulder or wrist were not holding up, or I just kept failing, I was to step out and just let the other two to tag team. Time starts and Bec and Miranda get 3 each, and I get one...woooooo!! Another three each, and I get another one!! Throughout the 8 minutes I managed to get all of the 10+ reps that I attempted - soooo happy! Miranda cleared the depth of each of her reps and Bec was an absolute powerhouse smashing out rep after rep, finishing the time with 4 strong reps.
And we are done!!! An absolutely massive day where we all smashed PB's and performed above anything then we have done before. We worked incredibly as a team, supported, encouraged and carried each other through the day and I am so proud of us as a team and both thankful and grateful to have been in a team with these amazing women as a part of an fantastic event.  

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