Monday, June 16, 2014

Watching The Good Ones

Today was the final day of the Primal Throwdown, Perth's biggest and probably most well known Crossfit competition. It was finals today, with the top 30 athletes in each category taking on the third day of competition and another 3-4 WOD's....big weekend for some!

We got to see some of the states best try their luck at Pull Ups (beginner), Chest to Bar Pull Ups (intermediate) and Weighted Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Rx), Deadlifts, Squat Cleans and Thrusters as the final knockout round before the top 10 of each category was announced to take on the Air Bike and Snatches to determine the winners.

Looking at the WOD's from yesterday, the competition seemed very much do-able, even through I have really only been in the 'true' Crossfit world for a couple of months, the training I have done in the past year has been somewhat similar. The beginners workouts looked easy, the intermediate - challenging but definitely achievable. That was until finals day. This was when the shit got real. Had I have entered the comp and done intermediates, which would have probably been a good call for the first day, I would have been in massive struggle town today!!

But watching these guys, of all levels, bust their arses to finish first, beat the person next to them, finish the workout or just get out another pull up was inspirational and makes me want to get more and more into this sport and try my hand at this type of individual competition. Just gotta sort my wrist out.

Watching people commit 100% to the event and give it there all tells me that this is the kind of thing I should be doing, as this is how I tend to go at anything I try...go hard or go home. Having the chance to watch this event has got me going even more, makes me want to sort out my injuries well and truly and get back into giving my all.

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