Thursday, June 26, 2014

Making A Difference

I had a patient come to me two weeks a go who was pretty unwell. He had cancer in two vertebrae which had now spread to his pancreas and was currently undergoing chemo every day for the next 4 days. But that's not why he had come to me. For the past two months, every night when he has gotten into bed he has left sided chest pain that kept him awake all night. As a result he has not slept properly in days.

After having his heart checked by his specialist, it was suggested he try Physio for his chest pain, which is how he ended up in my room. He was sceptical. What could Physio do for his chest pain. But he was going to humour his doctor and try it anyway. He had two sessions paid for by the government to give it a go.

After his movement assessment I had a feel of his spine and costovertabral joints (where your rib comes off your spine) and BAM! Reproduced his pain with one push and I had his confidence. I continued to treat his CV joints and finished the session. We weren't really able to see the results straight away, we were going to have to wait until night time. So I asked him to give me a ring the next morning and tell me the verdict.

He did, and I won!! No pain at all, first time in two months. YAY! So we planned his follow-up session around his upcoming therapy for managing his cancer and was scheduled for next week - when I am now out of action with surgery. So I called him back again today, to reschedule his appointment for one week later and to check on how he was travelling. Happy to say, still no pain at night.

Today I am thankful for being in the position to make a difference to others lives, and help people who are in pain to feel better.

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