Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Clean Car

And what is even better then a clean car is when you don't have to do it yourself!! For my birthday this year, my God Mother gave me a voucher for the Magic Hands Car Wash, because she knows just how much I have washing my own car!

You always end up so wet and dirty and I don't know about you but I never manage to clean it properly. You think you've done a good job and then you dry it off and go to put all the equipment away and come back to find some dirt or dust still stuck somewhere....why do I even bother! Car washing was just never a skill I plan to put on my CV.

At this place you drive you car in and a guy comes over to you as you get out of the car, scans your number plate with an iPhone and then asks what type of clean you would like done. I chose the wash, polish and vacuum, all the things I really don't like doing. He plugs this into the phone runs away for a second and comes back with a receipt which you take inside to pay for and then sit and read the paper, do whatever else it is you need to do while they take car of your car.

And they are so fast and manage to stay so dry?! I just don't get how that do it. Nevertheless I am thankful that they are far more skilled at this task then I am!!

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