Sunday, March 9, 2014

Not Giving Up

Been close to giving up on something you love? I'm here to tell you right now, DON'T DO IT. As bad as something may seem while your stuck in the moment and you can't see any way out of the situation you are currently in, hang in there. That door is going to open. Things are going to work out.

Say you do decide that, no, this is too hard and I just can't do it. How long is it going to take for you to look back and think, hmmm you know what, had I only have tried this everything would have worked out. Or how long will it take for you to be kicking yourself for giving up on something you love.

Imagine if Nelson Mandela had given up on fighting for the freedom and equality of all South Africans, of Thomas Edison had stopped trying to work out how to channel electricity to form would be a very dark and isolated world that we live in. Pretty big and far fetched examples I know.

Every day you make small decisions and perform small insignificant actions which contribute to your over all goal. Even if you don't realise they are linked. Say you decided the walk to the gym instead of drive. You also have to plan your marketing pitch for an upcoming work project. So instead of spending 10 minutes concentrating on the roads and the surrounding traffic, you instead have 20 minutes to spend with yourself. And in that 20 minutes you may come up with the whole concept of your presentation and how to make it happen in that 20 minutes. Not something that would have happened had you chosen to drive You have the big picture in the back of your mind always.

This post today is a reminded to myself to keep fighting for what I want, and also a huge number of people around me at the moment who feel like they are drowning and not to clear about what they are fighting for. HOLD ON, it will be worth it!

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