Thursday, March 20, 2014


Google is an amazing thing isn't it? You can find out about anything with the push of a couple of buttons. And I mean ANYTHING!!! I have to admit, I'm a big Googler. And an exclusive Googler as well - I don't use Yahoo or Bing or any of those other search engines...Google is my go to 100%.

The movie The Internship gave me a whole new understanding about my favourite search engine and just how massive the production is! The company has it's fingers it pretty much every possible platform. From general enquiries to scholastic research, to images, maps, books, blogs, youtube....yep Google is a part of that one too! Which is actually bigger, Google or Apple?

The down side to Google though, well the one I come across most - self diagnosis. I get people all the time who come in to the practice and tell me they have plugged their symptoms into Google and think that they have condition X, which means they are going to need this scan before they have that surgery which needs to happen in less then 6 months time otherwise they will be in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. Always straight to the worst case scenario, a diagnosis I have never once came to after their assessment.

So while I am thankful to have a world of knowledge at my fingertips, answering any question in a matter of seconds, sometimes we need to remember to put what we find into perspective.

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