Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Honouring Loved Ones

Yesterday I went to the funeral of a friends dad. The two girls that I went with and I went  didn't actually know this man, but went to show support to our friend. We had been talking to him about the upcoming funeral over the past week and he told us that he was going to be running the show. Wow.

The reason behind this was because he and his mother decided they didn't want anyone to speak about his father that didn't know him, and they didn't think he would want a big fuss to be made over the service. So this friend took it upon himself to tell the story of the life of his father.

As mentioned I didn't actually know this man. But by the end of the service, my friend has done such an incredible job of describing the man his father was and retelling stories that he had been told or recounting moments he had seen in photos that he had looked over throughout the week gone by; that I felt like I had met this man on many occasions prior to his passing.

I don't think anyone could have done a better job at honouring someone's wishes and paying respect to how they lived their life then how this service was conducted yesterday. Thinking back to it still brings tears to my eyes.

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