Friday, March 14, 2014


I don't know about you, but I have been hanging out for Friday since last Sunday night. After a busy weekend last week it felt like the days were just running away from me and there is so much to do, it's been non-stop!

I teach a boxing class on Wednesday and Friday mornings. I started the Wednesday class this week with 'Happy Friday!!!' which was quickly followed by some strange and concerned looks. Oh dear Chloe, you've got a long way to g! Needless to say my excitement was let down quite quickly.

You have those weeks sail past, you just have to sneeze and Friday is upon you! I always feel like it is these weeks that I accomplish so much, and I get to Friday and think, Yeah! Smashed that week! But then you get weeks like this one....NEVER ENDING!!

I also love how different people treat Fridays. Personally, Friday means I get to fall in a heap. Often the chance of getting me to go out or do something on a Friday night is a monumental effort. But then others hit their second wind come Friday time! I take my hat off to those people.

So no matter how you celebrate your Fridays...enjoy it!

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