Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Rainfall Of The Season

I honestly can't tell you when was the last time we had a good rainfall here in Perth. That was until yesterday. There was a predicted shower or two, but where I was with a couple of friends late afternoon, it poured down. Woo Hoo!!

We had been in Subiaco in the middle of the day, and even with a footy game being held just up the road within the next few hours, we all commented on how quiet the streets of Subi were for a Saturday afternoon. It was a little cool weather wise, but nothing to really stop people from coming out.

The afternoon carried on, and by the time we were in a small bar in Mt Lawley, the heavens opened and there was solid rainfall for a good hour there. Looking out onto the street, it was dead. The first big rainfall of the year had scared everyone to stay inside. The staff were saying they had just had so many booking cancellations due to the rain. But we were perfectly happy sitting inside where we were comfortable and warm and had nothing to do.

I love this weather. The only down side...I washed my car yesterday.

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