Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Down

I think the sending on this certificate actually took longer then it did for me to complete it. But I'm excited to have it now in my hot little hands. The decision to complete my Certificates in Fitness was a bit of a tough one for me. I was tossing up for a very long time between registering as a Physiotherapist in BC Canada which was starting to become more of a hassle then it was worth and attaining my Certificates in Fitness. In the end, fitness was the winner.

I am so glad I chose fitness. I have done a bit of  group training in the past few months and I am loving the variety I now have between breaking people and then fixing them...I'm kidding, I'm not that hard, usually! But for those who know me well, know that Health and Fitness is my life and I am now working across a huge spectrum of this field.

I get to combine my love of exercise and fitness with helping people. Helping them get back to the actions and functional activities that they are currently not able to do - whether this is fitness related or not. And I also then get to cross over into the fitness role as well. And vice versa. I am also lucky to have jobs that allow me to do both with flexibility. It means big days...going from the gym early in the morning, to the practice until around 6/6.30 at night, followed by back to the gym from there. But I do love to fill my schedule and its fun.

I have always believed that work should be fun and the idea that if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. I believe that I am close to getting there. Although I am human, and some days it is just not what I feel like doing at all, but so happens in every aspect of life. Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. Which is when you need to take a break...(still working on that one).

How about you, are your working or just having fun?

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