Sunday, March 16, 2014

Unproducutive Weekends

I had the best of intentions to plough through my work this weekend. I was going to get myself organised for another big week ahead of me, I was going to get through at least one of my modules for my Cert IV, review some of my goals and do some of my 'homework' for sorting out where I stand in the world. Yeah, it just didn't happen. But not through the lack of trying.

I sat down with each of these tasks in front of me, at one point all three of them in front of me to try and at least get SOMETHING done. Nothing was coming to me. I don't know if I was just not in the mindset to get these things done, because they are all things I do want to get on top of and know how much the completion of each of this is going to benefit me in the long run.

Maybe it was the fact that it's been a long and eventful week, my brain just went into shut down mode and wasn't even going to let me think about the things I need to get done, but unproductive it most definitely was. So instead I got in touch with my inner pre-teen and chucked on the Lizzie McGuire Movie....been a veeeery long time. Totally unashamed. I enjoyed my Sunday arvo of watching (in pieces due to my still present inability to sit for longer then 20 minutes, even when the rest of my weekend has been so unproductive) the petty drama of a teenage American who has to fill in for an Italian popstar (if only they were the problems we all had to face in life!)

So you never know, I may all of a sudden bounce back and smash through all my work tonight ready for a big Monday, or I might not. But that's ok too...I clearly needed the down time!

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