Thursday, March 27, 2014

Purple Hair

I'm not one for outrageous changed to my appearance. For a while there cutting 2cm off my hair was as crazy as things got. I only have one piercing in each ear, no tattoos and am never dressed in the extremely short or revealing many chicks my age sometimes wear. I do what I'm told, be where I need to be and wear what I need to wear.I am very much predictable and have nothing wrong with that. Until I finished Uni. 

Don't get too excited, I didn't completely fall off the wagon...I just dip dyed my hair purple without telling anyone. That was a surprise at our graduation dinner for sure. But over time that colour faded and my normal dark blonde hair returned. So middle of last year, I highlighted pink through it. That was fun for a couple of weeks there.

So this week I felt like something needed to change again. And I still don't have it in me to do radicle big changes that remain permanent for the rest of by life. When I say change some people look at changing a careers or jobs or moving house....nup I'll just out purple through my hair again. That's as crazy as things are going to get for me! 

I have always said I'm not big on change, but with small things like this to keep me and others around me guess, I will work on it. For now I will keep my purple hair. 

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