Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parallel Parking

I am your typical female driver that hates parallel parking. I was taught to do it when getting my licence, and since then I can probably count the number of times I have tried an successfully parked parallel on one hand...including the times I have ended up around a meter from the curb but given up on trying to get closer.

This morning I was meeting a friend for a walk. Where I normally park was surprisingly busy for a Sunday morning and I was limited with parking choices. My best option was a fairly large space between two already parked cars....yep I was going to parallel park.

First attempt...hit the curb with my back wheel. I had turned back the other way too late and ended up riding the curb. So I went forward a little again and went in for my second try. Success!! I ended up in line with the car in front of me and only 20cm away from the curb if that! A little bit proud of myself I must say. Given, it was a big space for me to get my car into, but only two attempts to get me nicely into that space? I'll claim that!

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