Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Making It Hurt Before It Feels Better

It's true. It's a scientifically proven fact. You've had those days or those times in your life which really you would rather forget about. Where not much is making you feel good. Well here is one thing that me. 

I've had my fair share of times where I am constantly losing and everything is wrong in the world. And it has been then that I have realised just how powerful exercise is. I have gone from feeling suffocated and lost to having some sense of control back in my life in less then 30 minutes. Not even a shrink can do that. 

When you exercise there is a chemical change in your body, particularly that affects your brain (along with a whole heap of other organs) that alters your mood. Actually makes your happier. Sure, you may be more tired and sore...but when you think about it, you do really feel better. You feel strong and you feel powerful. You have achieved something and you didn't give up. 

I have felt it within myself and I have seen the looks on other peoples faces when they come to then end of a session and are feeling the same way. Even if it's just for a while, the weight has been lifted.

So when things aren't looking so bright or it really has been one of those days, get out and get moving...the harder the better I say!! 

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