Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I must admit, I am not thankful about work every day. Don't get me wrong, I am so lucky to have a job and even more so one that I do enjoy going to most of the time. One where I get to help people, help them get back to what they want to do or help them to deal with pain. I am definitely thankful for that!! But everyone had those days where really, it is the absolute last thing you want to do.

Today, aside from the fact where I got to help people feel better about themselves, their bodies and what they were able to do; and supporting myself finically; work gave me the chance to get out of my own head.

Throw yourself into you work tasks, and it doesn't matter what is going on outside those four walls, for that period of time it dissolves. It can be THE best distraction if you let it. Put everything you have into what you are doing right there and then. Deal with everything else when you have to.

Let your work take you away, just for a little while.

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