Friday, March 21, 2014

Saying Yes

It was pointed out to me the other day that at the moment I don't really have a specific training goal, I'm just going through the motions and not really aiming for anything in particular. So for the past couple of days I have been racking my brain...what do I want to achieve next? In what field or discipline am I looking at? Last year I had told myself that sometime in 2014 I wanted to do a half marathon, but after the limited running I've been able to do because of my back that may not happen, so some sort of strength/crossfit challenge? Triathlon? I hate riding. I was stuck.

On the same day as I had mentioned that I still didn't have my goal set, another friend sent me the message...'How do you feel about running a half marathon'. This friend put a post on facebook a couple of days prior asking if anyone was looking for a swimmer for the up coming half ironman event in May...6 weeks away. I could tell immediately that she was now not looking for a team, but trying to create one.

6 weeks to go from running 12km to 21km...could I really do this? I messaged the one who pushes my training/helps sort my head out with the opportunity that has just been presented to me along with the buckets of uncertainty that I had and her response..."YESSSSSSSSSS'. So I got to thinking about it, I had said I wanted to do one...this would actually make me do it. I was going to be down at the event anyway because my brother and my dad were already registered to compete and I had already applied for the few days off work. The only thing holding me own self-doubt.

So I stopped thinking about it, and doubting myself and just said YES. Still kicking myself, what on earth have I signed up for? But on the plus side, training goal now identified and I have 6 weeks to get from 12km to 21 km....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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