Monday, March 24, 2014

Animated Movies

Nothing makes you smile like a kids animated movie. Whether is the cute quirky little characters that only the highly imaginative can dream up, the far fetched plot lines that could really only happen in a make believe world (where else is it possible for meatballs to fall from the sky and girls to have hair long and strong enough for people to be able to climb up) or it's the singing...don't lie, you love the musical numbers!

I find it amazing how as a 23 year old, I can sit (I use this term loosely) and watch a movie that is predominately made for children under the age of 10...and learn something! Or some times is not learning something new, but more helps me put things in perspective. How is it these little yellow Minions can barely say fully formed words and still 1) make me smile and 2) show me what is important in life? It's just weird

But last night I tried really hard to get through Despicable Me. I feel like I was missing the boat on this one. Not only is there a first but now also a sequel and as a dancing teacher with young children last year, I was clearly missing out on something! I refused to watch the second until I had watched the first, and the first took me a little while to track down. Finally got hold of a copy and only had to get up twice in the 90 minutes.

I found myself smiling from ear to ear at the end where (spoiler alert) the evil man reads the bed time story he wrote to the little girls while their are in their pink beds rather then hoisted up the wall and realising that what we do and don't achieve doesn't matter, its the people in your life that matter most.

So go watch an animation, but be prepared to open your mind!

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