Thursday, March 6, 2014

Extreme Fitnessing

We had a public holiday here on the Monday just gone...what to do? Question was very easily answered when we were posed a fitness challenge on Instagram. The challenge: to recreate an underwater Kettlebell farmers walk...which means carrying a Kettlebell in each hand while walking underwater. This is just what we do on our days off. 

So we piled some bells into the car and threw them down to the bottom of a friends pool. We started off with the farmers walk, and more importantly, got the shot. But with our love of taking fitness one step further and thinking outside the box, we couldn't stop there. 

So we started hand standing on the bells, doing underwater swings, overhead swings, goblet squats, walking lunges...the list goes on! We had so much fun and couldn't stop laughing at each other and ourselves for a good hour and a half and this one adventure has given us so many more ideas for extreme fitnessing in the future...look out! 

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