Friday, March 7, 2014

Back In The Swim

Well not me. But I've thrown the kids back in the water and I am back pacing up and down the side of the pool like the woman running out of Ikea yelling Start The Car!!!

It's been a while since I have coached swimming, particularly with primary school kids like I am doing at the moment. A good two to three years now that I think about it. I got the call from my old primary school teacher about a month ago to see if I would be interested in coaching their swimmers to get them ready for their up coming interschool swimming meet. It was going to be more a volunteer role, coaching for around 45 minutes each Friday for 7 weeks.

Even though my weeks are pretty hectic as is, I couldn't say no. I have to admit I have missed the coaching scene, even more so now that I'm not dancing anymore. So this would give me a 7 week kick for the year and hopefully keep me happy for now.

It wasn't until I got there though that I forgot how good it was to have an influence over kids. You so easily forget what it's like to inspire and motivate kids to try their best at something they may or may not be the best at. The effort I have seen these kids put in over the past few weeks has been exciting to watch and I love seeing people enjoy the awesome sport that is swimming.

So although I don't really have the time for this job at the moment, I am making the time because I am getting just as much out of it at they are.

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