Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Patients Who Come Early

It would honestly be one of my most favourite things to have a glance at my diary and see a patient is even five minutes early. I am huge about running on time! I have been on the other end and sat in waiting rooms for over and hour just for a fifteen minute appointment and it really pisses me off.

I appreciate the health professionals I go to see running on time, so I make it key objective to do so for the ones that come to see me. If I am even two minutes over I get slightly frantic and apologize profusely to the one that has been kept waiting.

But as it comes with in the health industry, you get your share of gappy days. Where really if all the patients were just back to back, the day would go so much quicker and be easier to manage. It's on days like this that I will my patients to come early. Yesterday for example, my last patient was scheduled in for 6pm, which was all well and good, until the two patients I had in before him called and cancelled. Hello forty minute gap!

I do get my receptionist to ring and notify of cancellations in case it works in the patients favour to come in a little earlier. Today though the patient thought it wouldn't be happening as he was negotiating peak hour traffic. I was excited then when he walked through the doors half an hour early! Turns out he was flying out to New Zealand later that night and was doing his best to try and get everything sorted as early as for me!

My regular patients know I am pedantic about running on time, I not early and as a result they do ten to come early for appointments. After all no one wants to be kept waiting, we are all busy people!

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