Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pine Trees

I am noticing more and more that I look at trees. And no not every tree that crosses my path, I'm not that much of a tree lover. But the ones that stand out, sure! I was walking down my street and saw this palm tree, well how could you not, it's huge!! 

I think they are pretty amazing things. Surely suburban Perth are not ideal growing conditions for this huge tree, but it managed to grow anyway. They are resilient things aren't they?

Thinking about it now, there are a couple of types of trees I have posted about in the past. Leafless Trees, Palm Trees, the Green Leaves on Trees, Christmas Trees (that counts right?) Wow I must really like trees. I never really thought of myself as a nature person. You would never catch me camping, as has been a topic of conversation that has come up a lot this week with a whole heap of different people.

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