Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shift Work

Some people hate it, I can understand why. It is very unpredictable and often means your are working late nights or early mornings, or both, they are weird hours. But what is great about shift work is that while the 9-5er's are working away in the office, you have some time up your sleeve to get things done while things are quite, which they put off until the typical after work hours or on weekends such as medical appointments, getting to the shops, meetings, planning...all that stuff they save until the weekend.

Yesterday for example, I worked my morning shift a one practice and just so happened to have a very average looking diary for the afternoon shift...hello 3 hours gap! I got the message from a friend who is still building his way back into work after the passing of his dad, that he needed to get out of the office for lunch, what was I doing? 3 hour gap filled!

I went and picked him up from his office in the city and took him to the Health Freak CafĂ© in Subiaco. Sat and chatted with him there for a while before driving him back to work and slowly making my way back to the practice to finish of my day of patients.

So yeah, shift work can be a pain in the butt sometimes - particularly in the Physio world where you may or may not always have clients booked in. But sometimes, when you looking to get out for a break, it can be the best thing ever!

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