Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Right People

I feel like there is so much change happening in the world right now. Like the universe is throwing curve balls in every direction and saying CATCH!! Anyone else feel the same way? Almost everyone I know is going through some big life changing event or challenge whether it's a lost loved one, change in career path, going back to uni, changing of business, a break up or feeling totally and utterly lost in life....I can put at least one name to each of those.

But it is during these time where you find out who are the good people in your life. The ones that will drop whatever their are doing, and put aside all the crap they have going on as well to help support you and what you need. You find out who your real friends are and who are the ones that just want something out of you.

We have banded together. We are the sounding boards to each others problems and are figuring it out in a small little army. We are making the sad ones smile and the confused ones see a little more clearly. We are smashing through assignments , job interviews, financial and business plans and working out where we are headed.

Having the right people in your life, the ones that life you up and help you out when you need it is what really matters. After all you are a combination of the people you spend your time with.

I have never been good at ball sports, but with all these curve balls I think I may be getting better.

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