Saturday, March 22, 2014

Night Time Running

I got mid way through my Friday afternoon and I had pretty much had enough! I was agitated, pissed off, confused, upset, angry and tired. Not just from a single event, but an accumulation of things that had happened over the course of the past five days. Seven patients to go for the week and I felt trapped. I just wanted to get out an run, not only just run but sprint.

Six more turned into five, into four, which finally became one more who happened to be a friend...thank God! Absolute professionalism could be dropped slightly as my friend came in and vented about her week...turned out to be equally shocking. Finished her session and watched her leave before throwing on the running shoes and shorts and I was out the door in less then sixty seconds.

I am normally a morning runner, but there is just something different about running at night. There are more people out, in their own little world with their headphones in also trying to shake off the week. There are couples walking, people picnicking and the sun is slowly coming down. I am not normally the biggest fan about running at night for safety reasons more then anything else, but when I need to run, I will run.

Tonight though I was not worried about people around me at all, wasn't concerned about my safety...just worried about pushing on until I felt like I had some sense of control back in my life. It took about 8km but I did get there eventually.

So as I said, I don't always like running at night time, but it is days like this that I am thankful I live in an area where going out along the foreshore when it is getting dark is a common practice for some and have the outlet to run of my week.

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