Monday, March 31, 2014

2nd Spew

Happy to say I had spew #2 at bootcamp this week! Well not so happy for the lucky victim, but any trainer considers it a success. Unfortunately I can't claim the whole event though. The poor love had been out with her husband prior to coming to bootcamp and had drank a Chia Latte. She thinks however that there may have been something wrong with the milk, as before we had even started she mention that she was feeling a bit funny about it.

The program I had written for the days session did not work in her favour either.  A lot of jumping, a lot of burpees and a lot of getting up and done. Even my stomach contents of water wasn't 100% loving life, so I can't imagine how this poor love was feeling. She got about half way through the first seet before she had to take her first 'moment'. Thinking it was gone, she soldiered on...for another 10 minutes, but it was all too much!! Poor thing put up a good fight but didn't stand a chance.

The trooper kept cracking jokes and the rest of us couldn't help but laugh at her. I'm not so horrible that I take pride out of this an do f course I felt incredibly sorry for her, but at the same time, bit of a winning moment.

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