Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Getting Up In The Morning

This is how I started my morning...how did you start yours? To be honest I was hoping to not be up this early today. With the half Ironman coming up soon, and may drastically needing to up my running distance, Tuesday mornings are now my long run mornings. Last week I set my alarm for 6 which for me is a pretty good sleep in, but the alarm went off and I was actually still asleep and definitely could have slept for longer...dammit! So today I set the alarm for 7.15, not at all expected to sleep that long, but if I did, then I would still have plenty of time to get this run in.

No luck. I was out of the house by 5.45. Still kind of kicking myself about not being able to sleep on my one morning of no real 'scheduled' training (I can just run when I'm up) I see this. And all of a sudden I am so glad that my body decided I didn't need sleep today. There was no wind, it was still dark and the sun was just starting to come up so you could see where you were going. And what I didn't get in the photo were the hundreds of ducks sleeping on the lake behind me.

This is exactly why I'm a morning person. So do yourself a favour. Get up a little earlier one day just to go and see this! It is the best time of year for it.

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