Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Sympathetic Gardener

Feeling better after my not so great Monday, I thought I was ready to try run again...I wasn't. I had had a full day off yesterday and was feeling relatively normal by the end on the day. So normal in fact that I was back to my regular routine of not sleeping...(minor set back). When 5.30 finally rolled around this morning, I was out the door and off to teach my boxing class, before launching off for my planned run.

Considering I'd had all of yesterday off which was suppose to be my long run day (was wanting 18km), I was aiming for an easy 10km today which I wasn't planning to push at all. I should have know when something felt not right 2km that it was not going to happen.

I was 4km in which had got me to Burswood and things went down hill very quickly. One minute I'm running along, next minute, throwing up in the garden. Ewwww!!!A very sympathetic gardener came over to me a couple of minutes later to check I was ok and said he would open the bathrooms for me, a full hour early. Although there was nothing left in me, I thanked him profusely and went in and washed my face a little.

I came out and he was still there, said he just wanted to make sure I was ok. I thanked him again and started my long walk home.

It's people like this who make a bad situation just a tiny bit better and I am thankful for the kindness this stranger offered me this morning.

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