Sunday, April 20, 2014

Favourite Patients

I love those days where I come into work and look down my diary and have those names that pop out and just make you smile. Today was one of those days.

This patient in particular is a very little old lady who is very unwell. But despite her health and physical state she is one of the most determined and strong minded people I have ever met. She just gets on with what ever it is that she has to do. If there is a barrier, she will find a way around it, if she's having a hard time, she will push through. This is why I love her!

The last time I saw her was before Christmas. And the reason for that is because she is on Enhanced Primary Care which means her doctor signs her up for 5 sessions of Physio which is paid for by the Government to be used in the calendar year. So by the end of December her visits were used up and she had to wait for enough time to pass before her doctor could give her 5 more visits.

In these couple of months I heard nothing from her, and did think about contacting her a couple of times to see how she was going, but knowing about her health history, I didn't want to make that call and find out that something had happened to her, I would have been devastated. So we do discharge letters within 3 months of not attending Physio and her name came up on my list in the most recent pile of names. So I sent her one.

One week later, she was back!!! Hence my smile. I welcomed her back and treated her mid afternoon and carried on with my busy case load for the rest of the day. Following my final patient I came out with them to reception and she was back, with a bag of Easter Eggs to say thankyou and how much I had helped her. She is just so precious and I am so glad to have her back on my case load.

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