Thursday, April 17, 2014

Up Before The Sun

I love starting my mornings in the dark. Especially if its a little cold and dark as well. Weirdo, I know.

I love getting to the gym before my boxing class a good twenty minutes early. With the weather still relatively warm and dry, being outside in the fresh air is the best way to start the day. This twenty minutes gives me the chance to pull the equipment I need down the stairs and out onto the grass, sort out sign in sheets and then I still have 10 minutes to look at this before the chaos starts and the punches go flying.

People whinge and complain about it being too early, too cold, too dark...yeah what ever. Get over it and get on with it I say!

I have said before that I am a morning person, and normally from the second my alarm goes off I am up and running (literally). I have never once pressed snooze on an alarm, don't know how to snooze my alarm and don't want to learn. I am a whirl wind waiting to happen. But there is something strangely calming about mornings like this.

The rest of the world is still asleep, there is no wind and everything is still. Very much the calm before the storm. The whole day is still ahead of you and ANYTHING could happen, it's all up to you and how you respond.

Remember that YOU run the day, it doesn't run you!

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