Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Continuing Education...With A Difference

Every Tuesday, myself and the other New Grad Physio has continuing education with one of our senior Physio's who is also currently teaching and lecturing at university. Though because she is also required at the Uni, our continuing ed sometimes gets postponed, as it did yesterday.
So one of the other Physio's, a couple of years ahead of me took it upon himself to further our education, with life skills. Discovering that the New Grad had never made a cut of tea or coffee, that turned into todays lesson.
Talked through the steps of boiling the kettle, preparing the tea bag, pouring the water, jiggling the tea bag and then adding enough milk to make it 'cloudy' the New Grad was put to the test. And the verdict? The tea bag was left in and there was not enough milk for the drinkers liking...but first his first cup, he was issued a pass.
Nothing like furthering the education of others with valuable life skills!

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