Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Face Down Method

I've had two patients come in through the practice a couple of times over the past two week, both of which I have loved treating and are good fun women to have a chat to and share life experiences with. I feel that's really important when it comes to physical recovery. A whole heap of people that come to see me, a lot of their injuries, functional limitations and pain are fuelled by something that is going on internally. I'm not calling my patients crazy, but your state of mind and how your feeling on the inside can absolutely be reflected in what's happening on the outside.

I don't know what it is about me, but I can get anything out of anyone. I call it my face down method. I get these people face down on my plinth and I don't know if they feel like they are just saying it into a hole in the ground or something and that I'm not really listening, but just everything comes out.

But every so often I get patients that come in and decide they are going to sort my life out for me. One of these ladies that I mentioned above, on the first session she had with me started trying to se me up with another Physio that works at our practice. 'He's single and hot' she said, 'You're single and cute, I just get a sixth sense about these things and I've got one now!'. I laughed so hard. There was just no holding this woman back!!

The second of the two I saw on the same day and she to was very outgoing and started throwing relationship advise at me, but the complete opposite. 'You're young' she said, 'Wait until you're ready and the right guy will just walk into your life'. Both these women were in the normal face down position and throwing motherly advise at me. It really does break down any barriers.

So sometimes I get more that I bargain for in this job, but my patients have no problems telling me everything, and I mean everything! Which is not only good for them in the sense of their recovery from pain and injury, but allows me to develop a good rapport with each of them and allows them to trust me.

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