Thursday, April 24, 2014

Kicking Goals

I had a patient come in yesterday for her follow up appointment. I had seen her for the first time last week just before Easter and in the nicest way possible, she was a mess. She had been referred to me by someone else I have already helped in the past and liked the way I approach treatment and helping people get back to what they want to do.

She came in last week and sat down and the tears started. Long story shot, she hadn't been able to run for 2 years which was her form of stress relief. In the past 2 months she felt like her body was just falling apart on her and she didn't know what was going on.

Her assessment was literally like completing a jigsaw. I was jumping from one end of the body to another, looking at neck then ankle, then forearm then lower back and trying to work out what was going on and how it was all linked. I thought I may have gotten to the bottom of it and started a treatment that I thought may give her some relief, to at least get through the Easter weekend and we could take it from there.

Well she came back yesterday a completely different person. I asked how she pulled up after her last session with me, she said what ever I'd done worked miracles and she feels so much better. We went through a little more treatment and then had a discussion about her running. She told me she did want to be able to run again but was worried about how her body would respond and if she'd push herself too far.

By the end of her session with me we had a running program written out for her that she was confident she would be able to follow without over doing it and knew the warning signs of when to slow down again. She was excited to finally be pounding the pavement again after 2 years of nothing and I was thankful that I was able to help this woman who had pretty much given up hope on running again, get back to doing something she couldn't imagine life without not so long a go. WIN!!

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